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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The theme of this program is "Making a Difference at the National Level."

Since 1989, fire service leaders from across the nation have traveled to Washington, DC to attend CFSI's National Fire and Emergency Services Dinner and Seminars Program. Each year, approximately 2,000 fire and emergency officials participate in the program, attending seminars, conducting meetings with the members of Congress and networking to build relationships. At the conclusion of the event, they assemble together in the Washington Hilton ballroom to hear the highest ranking political leaders in the nation pay tribute to the dedication and commitment of our nation's firefighters and emergency services personnel.

Three Important Reasons Why CFSI Offers This Program

1.Educate attendees on critical current and future national issues, legislation, and policies that significantly impact the entire fire and emergency services community.

2.Engage attendees to influence members of Congress and their professional staffs, as well as leaders of federal agencies and other key Administration representatives.

3.Network and build relationships with a diverse assembly of leaders from throughout national fire and emergency services organizations.

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